Following recent developments and changes in NI Court procedure, eDiscovery is becoming more prevalent in legal cases in Northern Ireland.

We recognise the challenges that this brings to clients who are often not accustomed to utilising eDiscovery techniques or technology in their litigation matters

 We have the most experienced team currently practicing eDiscovery in Northern Ireland, having been offering eDiscovery services in the Northern Ireland Courts since 2017. We are therefore in the best position to assist lawyers and their clients in navigating recent changes and developments. We have the skills, experience and technology to give you an edge in litigation, from the smallest cases to the very largest.

We have managed the electronic discovery in the largest eDiscovery case in Irish history, and have administered the only fully digital public inquiry cases in Irish history. We provide end-to-end technical eDiscovery services, and have provided these services in dozens of proceedings

Our expertise covers the entire breadth of eDiscovery services, from identifying and preserving evidence,  collecting and processing it for review, providing and supporting review services and producing it to the other side. We can also assist with presenting evidence during Trial, whether in a Court or Inquiry setting.

Our services

We provide advisory services on all aspects of information governance to clients in all sectors. Good information governance is critical in responding to a request for Discovery or Subject Access Request as well as being central to Regulatory Compliance.

It is crucial for clients to engage early in identifying custodians and repositories of relevant documents. Our team regularly assists with this aspect of eDiscovery, using proven workflows to identify data sources promptly.

When a new discovery request is received or anticipated in litigation, it is vital to preserve all relevant electronic material. Our team can guide you through this process using robust and defensible methodologies, helping you avoid the risks of inadequate document preservation.

We assist many clients in collecting material from their networks in eDiscovery cases. We can advise on the best practice and most appropriate collection methods to suit any client's case requirements, from onsite Forensic Collection to defensible remote collections.

Our team uses world-leading data processing technology to ensure that even the largest client datasets can be processed quickly and efficiently. Our processing solutions often given invaluable insight and Early Case Assessment opportunities which help inform the next steps in the legal review process.

We support all aspects of the legal review process, including keyword and date range searches, creating review workflows, redaction, and quality control. Using leading review technology and advanced analytics, we collaborate with you to establish the best workflow for achieving optimal outcomes.

Efficient and effective data analysis is central to all eDiscovery cases. We provide expert assistance, utilising market-leading technology and workflow processes to give insights into data which help our clients achieve their Discovery aims.

Once legal review, quality control, and redaction are complete, our team provides expert support through the production phase of eDiscovery. We ensure documents selected for disclosure are shared with counterparties using best practices, whether electronically or otherwise, and offer expert assistance throughout.

Our multi-disciplinary team, including fully-qualified lawyers, assists with presenting evidence in court or public settings. We have supported government clients with fully digitized public inquiries using eDiscovery processes and Trial Presentation software. Aware of the challenges in digital trial presentations, we offer tried and tested workflows, providing end-to-end services throughout the eDiscovery and digital trial lifecycle.

Why Grant Thornton?

Grant Thornton NI LLP has the most experienced team currently practicing eDiscovery in the Northern Ireland Courts.

Our E-discovery team routinely support proceedings with tens of millions of documents, successfully collecting and processing documents from everything from USB sticks to cloud platforms, from smartphones to server arrays. 

We maintain a dedicated team supporting e-discovery processes in Ireland and abroad, every single day. Our systems are fully configured to support the latest Technology Assisted Review techniques.

We maintain multiple licences for our first-line Relativity and Nuix e-discovery platforms and we can support a wide range of other discovery platforms. We can collect evidence from dozens of computers in a single day and have the servers to process the data and deliver it for review more quickly than any of our competitors. In a recent case we successfully supported over 100 reviewers in 6 different countries, in three continents, while they reviewed over 2.5 million keyword-responsive documents in three languages.

Our e-discovery team is made up of qualified and experienced IT forensics practitioners, as well as being e-discovery specialists. Most have advanced degrees in digital forensics or other technical disciplines – but we also have a number of legally qualified personnel on our team. All team members are trained in criminal evidence procedure and we maintain strict, law-enforcement evidence handling processes. We have never had a piece of evidence successfully queried in court.